Fractal spaces and Tsallis Statistics
Airton Deppman
Subspace of Hamiltonian’s eigenfunction described by the Generalized Heisenberg Algebra
Alan C. Maioli, Evaldo M. F. Curado
Footprints of q-statistics at the ‘Edge of Chaos’
Alessandro Pluchino
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis approach using generalized logarithmic and exponential functions
Suzielli Martins Mendonça, Brenno C. Troca Cabella, Alexandre Souto Martinez
Simulating different entropic functionals from a two-level quantum system
Andre M. C. Souza
Memories of a long-standing and fruitful collaboration
Andrea Rapisarda
On the Connection Between the q-Exponential Probability Distributions and the Sq Entropy
Angel Ricardo Plastino
The application of q-statistics to acoustic emissions of compressed construction materials approaching failure
Annalisa Greco
Scaling laws in the alpha-XY model
Antonio Rodriguez, F. D. Nobre and C. Tsallis
Finding the best q for highest information retrieval in discrete systems
Cassio H. S. Amador, Fabrício M. Lopes
To equilibrate or not to equilibrate that is the question
L Defaveri, DA Kessler, E Barkai, C. Anteneodo
About Constantino Tsallis
Hans HerrmannPDF
Reflections of a half-century life in the world of science
Constantino Tsallis
Data-Driven Network Dynamics Reconstruction and Prediction
Deniz Eroglu
Nonlinear dynamical systems: Time reversibility versus sensitivity to the initial conditions
Constantino Tsallis, Ernesto P. Borges
Two-coupled Fisher-Kolmogorov equations applied to macroeconomic systems
Edward Larroza
Introducing mutability as a form of dynamical entropy
Eugenio E. Vogel, Gonzalo Saravia, Denisse Pastén, Antonio Posadas
A Lorentz invariant velocity distribution for a relativistic gas
Evaldo M. F. Curado, Carlos E. Cedeno, Ivano Damião Soares, Constantino Tsallis
First-Principle Validation of Fourier’s Law: One-Dimensional Classical Inertial Heisenberg Model
Henrique Santos Lima, Constantino Tsallis and Fernando D. Nobre
On the genesis of non-extensive statistical mechanics: modes of inference and openings of the logic of wonder
Guiomar Ruiz López, Giovanni Maddalena
Data fusion and uncertainty quantification for aerial drone autonomous navigation by Tsallis’ statistics
Haroldo F. de Campos Velho, Elcio H. Shiguemori, José Renato G. Braga
Ising chain: Thermal conductivity and first-principle validation of Fourier’s law
Henrique Santos Lima, Constantino Tsallis
Deformed random walk: suppression and inhomogeneous diffusion
Ignacio Sebastián Gomez
Semi-flexible trimers on the square lattice in the full lattice limit
Pablo Serra, Wellington G. Dantas,
Jurgen F. StilckPDF
Tsallis distribution as a Lambda-deformation of the Maxwell-Juttner distribution
Jean-Pierre Gazeau
Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartments
Jeferson J. Arenzon, Luca Peliti
Taxes, inequality, and equal opportunities
José Roberto Iglesias, Ben-Hur Francisco Cardoso, Sebastián Gonçalves
A Maximum Entropy Model for the Network of Commercial Transactions between Cities based on Data from Electronic Invoices
Cesar I. N. Sampaio Filho, Rilder S. Pires, Humberto A. Carmona,
José S. Andrade Jr.
Emerging generalized Fermi-Dirac distribution in Lévy branching and annihilating process
Marcelo L. Lyra
Entropic Extensivity and Large Deviations in the Presence of Strong Correlations
Ugur Tirnakli, Mauricio Marques, Constantino Tsallis
Brownian fluctuations of a non-confining potential
All authors: Pedro B. Melo, Pedro V. Paraguassú, Eduardo S. Nascimento, Welles A. M. Morgado
Characterizing Spatiotemporal Complex Patterns with Tsallis Permutation Entropy
Reinaldo R. Rosa, Rubens A. Sautter, Luan O. Baraúna and Erico L. Rempel
Divergences via generalized statistical mechanics
Renio S. Mendes
Rita M.C. de Almeida
Scaling of mortality in 742 metropolitan areas
Usama Bilal, Caio P. de Castro, Tania Alfaro, Tonatiuh B. Gutierrez, Mauricio L. Barreto, Carlos M. Leveau, Kevin M. Folgar, J. Jaime Miranda, Felipe Montes, Pricila Mullachery, Maria F. Pina, Daniel A. Rodriguez, Gervasio F. Santos, Roberto F. S. Andrade, Ana V. D. Roux
Neural Network Models for Associative Memory Based on Multidimensional Neurons
Roseli S. Wedemann, Angel R. Plastino
Stochastic Bragg scattering in PT-symmetric optical lattices
P. A. Brandão, S. B. Cavalcanti
Nonlinear Fisher-Kolmogorov equations applied to complex systems
S Curilef, E Larroza
Cellular criticality
Sergio A. Cannas
How ubiquitous are the reproduction numbers for epidemics processes?
Suani T.R. Pinho, Daniel C.P. Jorge, Robert G.S. de Araújo, Filipe C. Ribeiro, Caio S. Rauh, Arícia F. Pérée, Juliane F. Oliveira, José G.V. Miranda, Roberto F.S. Andrade
Signature of nonextensive statistical mechanics in asymptotically scale-free random networks
Ugur Tirnakli, Constantino Tsallis
Scaling and Renormalization in the Kinetics of Rate Processes
Valter Henrique Carvalho-Silva, Vincenzo Aquilanti
Energy exchanges in a damped Langevin-like system with two thermal baths and an athermal reservoir
Welles A. M. Morgado, Eduardo S. Nascimento
Non-linear Fractional q-Gaussian Diffusion Model of Stock Market
Yaoyue Tang, Fatemeh Gharari, Karina Arias-Calluari, M. N. Najafi, Fernando Alonso-Marroquin