Professor Constantino Tsallis is a distinguished physicist in the area of statistical mechanics, born in Athens, 5 November 1943, grew up in Mendoza-Argentina. He studied physics in the Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche. He obtained his title of Docteur d´ État ès Sciences Physiques from the University of Paris in 1974. He has worked in a variety of theoretical subjects in the areas of critical phenomena, chaos and nonlinear dynamics, economics, cognitive psychology, immunology, population evolution, among others. Since over three decades, he is focusing on the entropy and the foundations of statistical mechanics, as well as on some of their scientific and technological applications. Indeed, he proposed in 1988 a generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy and statistical mechanics.
This generalization is presently being actively studied around the world: a bibliography containing more than 9,600 directly related articles, by over 15,000 scientists from all over the world, is available at Prof. Tsallis´ contributions have received 24,000 ISI-WebofScience citations (6,700 of them for his 1988 paper), which currently makes him one among the most cited scientists of all times in Latin America.