List of Abstracts
Below we list the abstracts of presentations, following an alphabetical order for the speakers (underlined); the full texts may be accessed through the links.
Title: Subspace of Hamiltonian’s eigenfunction described by the Generalized Heisenberg Algebra |
Title: Footprints of q-statistics at the ‘Edge of Chaos’ |
Title: Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis approach using generalized logarithmic and exponential functions |
Title: Simulating different entropic functionals from a two-level quantum system |
Title: Memories of a long-standing and fruitful collaboration |
Title: Learn your entropy from informative data: an axiom ensuring the consistent identification of generalized entropies |
Title: On the Connection Between the $q$-Exponential Probability Distributions and the $S_q$ Entropy |
Title: Quantum Purity as an Information Measure and Nernst Law |
Title: The application of q-statistics to acoustic emissions of compressed construction materials approaching failure |
Title: Scaling laws in the $alpha-$XY model |
Title: The critical behavior of the clogging process in a porous medium |
Title: Finding the best q for highest information retrieval in discrete systems |
Title: To equilibrate or not to equilibrate that is the question |
Title: Reflections of a half-century life in the world of science |
Title: Data-Driven Network Dynamics Reconstruction and Prediction |
Title: Quantifying neural complexity from EEG through q-statistics in mental disorders |
Title: A nonlinear matter-field Hamiltonian analyzed with Renyi and Tsallis statistics |
Title: The Avianca airline collapse: a complex network evolution analysis |
Title: Nonlinear dynamical systems: Time reversibility versus sensitivity to the initial conditions |
Title: Some Results for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with Stochastic Resetting |
Title: Introducing mutability as a form of dynamical entropy |
Title: A Lorentz invariant velocity distribution for a relativistic gas |
Title: Mathematical models to explain the origin of urban scaling laws |
Title: First-Principle Validation of Fourier’s Law: One-Dimensional Classical Inertial Heisenberg Model |
Title: A modern view of Statistical Seismology in terms of Tsallis entropy |
Title: Semiclassical Dynamics: Tsallis Entropy and Comparison with Shannon |
Title: On the genesis of non-extensive statistical mechanics: modes of inference and openings of the logic of wonder |
Title: Data fusion and uncertainty quantification for aerial drone autonomous navigation by Tsallis’ statistics |
Title: Ising chain: Thermal conductivity and first-principle validation of Fourier’s law |
Title: Deformed random walk: suppression and inhomogeneous diffusion |
Title: Semi-flexible trimers on the square lattice in the full lattice limit |
Title: Tsallis distribution as a $\Lambda$-deformation of the Maxwell-J\”{u}ttner distribution |
Title: Emergent cooperative behavior in transient compartments |
Title: Taxes, inequality, and equal opportunities |
Title: A Maximum Entropy Model for the Network of Commercial Transactions between Cities based on Data from Electronic Invoices |
Title: Multi-parametric Nonlinear Generalization of Klein-Gordon: Real and Complex Fields |
Title: Emerging generalized Fermi-Dirac distribution in Lévy branching and annihilating process |
Title: Entropic Extensivity and Large Deviations in the Presence of Strong Correlations |
Title: Brownian fluctuations of a non-confining potential |
Title: Brownian fluctuations of kinetic energy under Lorentz force |
Title: Characterizing Spatiotemporal Complex Patterns with Tsallis Permutation Entropy |
Title: Divergences via generalized statistical mechanics |
Title: Untitled |
Title: Scaling of mortality in 742 metropolitan areas |
Title: Neural Network Models for Associative Memory Based on Multidimensional Neurons |
Title: Cellular criticality |
Title: Thermodynamical Properties of the Blume-Capel Model in the vicinity of its Tricritical Point |
Title: Nonlinear Fisher-Kolmogorov equations applied to complex systems |
Title: Controversy-seeking in rumor-telling activity across polarized networks: theoretical predictions and empirical observations |
Title: Stochastic Bragg scattering in PT-symmetric optical lattices |
Title: How ubiquitous are the reproduction numbers for epidemics processes? |
Title: Signature of nonextensive statistical mechanics in asymptotically scale-free random networks |
Title: Scaling and Renormalization in the Kinetics of Rate Processes |