Online – Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

Primeiro dia

Aula 1

In this brief lecture we shall review how the standard model of cosmology accounts for the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe such as dark matter halos and clusters of galaxies. The suitable formalism is linear perturbation theory over a homogeneous and isotropic universe. We shall describe how to connect theory with observation via examples with useful numerical tools such as CLASS, which is an Einstein-Boltzmann solver code.


  • Review of the Standard Model of Cosmology
  • Cosmological Perturbation Theory
  • Cornerstone of Observations
  • Connecting theory with observations using numerical codes


  • basic knowledge of general relativity


  • Guilherme Brando
Horário: 10:00 às 12:00
Aulas: 5
Duração: Online
Vagas disponíveis: 39
Local: Online
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