23 de abril de 2021

Useful Information

Names config:

ch0 = back, ch1 = back, ch2 = Ti44, ch3 = Ti44,

ch4 = Cs137, ch5 = Cs137, ch6 = Co60, ch7 = Co60

RAW data

Run 1 settings:

data in /mnt/RemoteServer from 27/feb/2019 to may/2020
data in Raw-Run1 from jun2020 to 03/oct/2020

High Voltage670V660V925V800V700V670V560V560V
heater temperature: 35C


not useful for analysis

implementation of upgrades in experiment and lab
change to Run2 conditions

RAID storage usage optimization

Run 2 settings:

data in Raw-Run2 from 11/apr/2021 … ongoing
few lab temp unstabilities in april 2021

High Voltage670V660V925V800V700V670V560V560V
heater temperature: 35C

COMMENTS: failures in some channels have appeared along the all period in channels
of Cs147 and background. This has motivated to perform a change in HV channels in Run2.
The migration of current (official) HV system to the SY2527 CAEN HV system of lab is
under study.

Processing versions

Version 0 = to be used for Run1 conditions, time interval = 12h
Version 1 = Version 0 but time interval = 2h
Version 2 = to be used for Run2 conditions, time interval = 2h,
evts with baseline RMS error included in analyzer of ch6
Version 1 release 1 = Version 1, evts with baseline RMS error included for all chs
Version 2 release 1 (still to be done) = Version 2,
evts with baseline RMS error included for all chs